Start-up social media support

You spent time perfecting the recipe. Now you need it to shout ‘try me, buy me’ on Instagram.

You want people to think ‘yes, please!’ and pause scrolling at your post because your product invites them to eat, drink and enjoy.

And that’s where powerful images and targeted posts come into play.

I can make your Instagram promotion more effective. I can make your start-up shine.

I only work with artisanal food and beverage start-ups, because that’s what I know and love. I know first-hand how much hard work has gone into your kitchen experiments – not to mention the farmers markets. I want you to succeed.

Services include:

Impactful photographs

Colours, close-ups and interesting angles. I can take and tag them so your product pops out of the feed and get people smacking their lips.

Showing uses

Take it out of the jar or packet. Show customers what your product can do. I can develop recipes or serving suggestions to demonstrate uses and create ideas.

Serving it up

#hashtags, likes, links and follows are keys to Instagram. I can make your stunning product posts searchable, encourage comments and likes, and start conversations that lead to happy customers.

Timing and strategy

What time you post and how often matters. I can work with you to develop a strategy to get the right content in front of the right people.

Option 1: Posting service

You’re busy and want me to run your Instagram feed for an affordable monthly charge. Leave it all to me.

Option 2: Teaching service

You’re keen to manage your own Instagram feed but need to learn how and to optimise the time you spend. I will teach you how and give ongoing support.

I can also help you develop a strategy and a plan, as well as product and recipe development.

Get in touch to discuss start-up social support